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Cooking Ingredients


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How to make Kitchari
Aspire Zen - Yoga, Cooking, and Wellness

How to make Kitchari

Kitchari means "mixture", usually of two grains. In this recipe, we keep it simple with split mung beans (moong dahl) and basmati rice. We also combine healing spices - mustard seed, cumin seed, coriander, ginger, turmeric, and asafoetida, and bloom those rich flavors into life with some ghee (clarified butter) or vegetable oil (I like coconut) to keep it vegan. You can also add some fresh, seasonal veggies. Kitchari is easy to digest and tridoshic, meaning it balances all three bodily doshas. (Doshas - 3 circulating bodily energies that govern body and physiological activity - part of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine). This recipe is perfect for a gentle yet effective reset of the body. Best done as a mono-diet for 3 - 7 days. Simply eat kitcheri and nothing but kitcheri to help balance and heal your systems and curb cravings. Kitchari is a complete protein because of the combination of the dahl (mung beans) and rice. As such, it will keep you nourished, full, and energized throughout your mono-diet process. What is my Dosha Quiz: Additional Variations by Dosha: Vata - *Use 2x ghee/oil *Add a pinch of cayenne with powdered spices *Add ½ inch minced fresh ginger with the spices *Use quinoa instead of rice and double the amount for extra protein *Veggies: carrots, zucchini, peas, sweet potatoes, and asparagus Pitta - *Use ½ amount mustard seed and pepper or omit mustard *Swap ghee for coconut oil *Veggies: leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, zucchini, and carrots Kapha - *Use ½ or omit ghee/oil and add an inch or two of water with the spices to soften before adding beans and rice *Use quinoa, millet, or amaranth instead of rice *Add ½ inch minced fresh ginger with spices *Best veggies: leafy greens, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and celery Other Variations - Vegan: Use sesame or coconut oil instead of ghee Grain-free/low carb: Omit rice/quinoa and instead put ½ a head of cauliflower in the food processor until rice-sized. Toast in a pan with ghee/sesame for a few minutes and add to pot after dal has finished cooking. If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe for more recipes, yoga, and general wellness tips. Master your whole health habits and tap into your inner magic with 1:1 Coaching I help busy women conquer stress, re-energize, and discover their inner sparkle. Your road to optimal health and finding your own magic within begins here. Learn more and your free Discovery Session to get started here:
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